Friday, January 28, 2011

Controversial Muslim cleric Caught Being Smuggled Into US Over Mexico Border

U.S. border guards got a surprise when they searched a Mexican BMW and found a hardline Muslim cleric - banned from France and Canada - curled up in the boot.

Said Jaziri, who called for the death of a Danish cartoonist that drew pictures Said Jaziri of the prophet Mohammed, was being smuggled into California when he was arrested, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler.  The 43-year-old was deported from Canada to his homeland Tunisia in 2007 after it emerged he had lied on his refugee application about having served jail time in France.

His fire and brimstone sermons and rabble-rousing antics catapulted him into the public eye during his short tenure as imam at a Montreal mosque.  

He branded homosexuality a disease and led protests over cartoonist Kurt Westergaard's illustrations poked fun at Islam and were published in a Danish BorderSaid newspaper in 2006.
He also caused anger when he campaigned for a bigger mosque to accommodate Montreal's burgeoning Muslim population.
       Caught: Jaziri was arrested being smuggled across the San       Diego border crossing, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler 

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